Sólyomcsalogató 2012

2012-ben immáron 7. alkalommal került sor a „Sólyomcsalogató” elnevezésű ragadozómadár-védelmi konferenciára. A Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület és a Körös-Maros Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság által közösen szervezett rendezvénynek a szarvasi Körösvölgyi Látogatóközpont adott otthont február 18-19-én.

Results of the Red-footed Falcon autumn roost site surveys 2011

The roosting behaviour of Red-footed Falcons in autumn is rare amongst raptors. Adults and freshly fledged juveniles forage in small groups during the day, but as dusk sets in, they gather to spend the night together in small wood stands or even a single tree hundreds.

Closing venue

The Bird Study and Protection Society of Serbia (BSPSB) organized the closing venue of the project titled „Conservation Management and Animal Health Monitoring of Natura 2000 species” Hungary-Serbia IPA Cross-Border Programme on the 23rd of September at the Royal Hotel of Senta, Serbia. 

Sasriasztó 2011

We held the „Sasriasztó” / ”Eagle Alarming” event between the 9th and the 11th of September 2011, for the 22nd consecutive time at the Vásárhelyi and Csanádi Plains.

Setting new standards in count numbers…

Good news has arrived from nearly all regions from Hungary! Record number of Red-footed Falcons commenced their breeding, with moth clutches being 4 egg strong, only a handful of nests contain 3 or 2 eggs. The Vásárhelyi Plains area set a new standard in breeding density, as more than 120 pairs are currently in the early stages of breeding in a mere 12 000 ha puszta area, a number that doubles that of previous years.

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